
New Potential Health Benefit of Olive Oil for Peptic Ulcer Disease

(Check below for original article)

 Journal: Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Journal Article: “In Vitro Activity of Olive Oil Polyphenolic against Helicobacter pylori”



儘管已有一堆關於特級初榨橄欖油對健康有益的豐功偉業,根據研究人員在西班牙的報告,特級初榨橄欖油 - 地中海飲食的核心 -可能有一個新的角色,就是幫助預防和治療幽門桿菌H. pylori的感染。幽門桿菌每年導致數百萬胃炎和消化性潰瘍病例。

西班牙研究員曼努埃爾布雷內斯 (Manuel Brenes) 和他的同事舉出過去的研究,顯示綠茶,蔓越莓汁和其他一些天然食品能抑制(這種感染胃部)幽門桿菌的生長,主要研究人員建議食用這些食物。然而這許多都不是針對橄欖油做研究。在2007年2月21日發行雙週出版的ACS'雜誌農業與食品化學期刊中,他們發表了一篇針對橄欖油的研究報告,測試其對幽門桿菌的影響。



New Potential Health Benefit of Olive Oil for Peptic Ulcer Disease

Already fabled for an array of health benefits, extra virgin olive oil — a centerpiece of the Mediterranean Diet — may have a new role in helping to prevent and treat Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infections, which cause millions of cases of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease each year, researchers in Spain report.

Manuel Brenes and colleagues cite past studies showing that green tea, cranberry juice and certain other natural foods inhibit the growth of H. pylori (which infects the stomach lining), leading researchers to recommend consumption of those foods. None of the numerous studies on olive oil, however, has tested its effects on H. pylori, they note in a study scheduled for the Feb. 21 issue of ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a biweekly publication.

Brenes and colleagues used laboratory experiments to demonstrate that under simulated conditions the healthful phenolic compounds in extra virgin olive oil remain stable in the acidic environment of the stomach for hours. In laboratory cultures, those substances had a strong antibacterial effect against eight strains of H. pylori, including antibiotic-resistant strains.

“These results open the possibility of considering extra virgin olive oil a chemoprotective agent for peptic ulcer or gastric cancer, but this bioactivity must be confirmed in vivo in the future,” they conclude.


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